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Help:Editor handbook

869 bytes added, 03:24, 5 December 2019
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EditorUsers interested in joining our community as an editor should familiarize themselves with our wiki formatting. This guide's handbookpurpose is to both provide an introduction to wiki language, as well as describe our preferred formatting style to achieve site-wide consistency. == Headers == Wiki article sections are divided by headers. Articles that contain more than four headers will automatically generate a table of content. This table will appear before the first header. Betting Wiki uses two sizes of header. Primary sections of the article should be divided using the main header, which appears with an underline across the page length. This can be inserted with the following code: <pre>== Main Header ==</pre> Smaller headers can be inserted under main headers to create sub-sections. These sub-sections will appear nested on the table of content. <pre>=== Sub Header ===</pre>

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